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Telling the Manufactured Housing Story – Telling YOUR and Your Home Owner’s stories


We’ve been hammering away at a simple yet powerful theme. Telling the story of modern manufactured housing tale – via video, news, photos and other methods – is critical for a variety of reasons. Few are more important than the cause of raising our new home sales levels, ASAP!

First, prospective home owners are people. Duh, right? Do you think it helps to put someone like them into a video, and then have them tells others how happy they are with their home?

I wouldn’t advocate “fly over” video for just any project. But for some, the investment makes good sense. Here is an example of how the use of aerial video can create a good feeling for visitors to a website.

Interviews are a great way to communicate. Get an expert or industry personality in front of a camera, then put a microphone on or next to that person. Ask questions. Listen. See the amazing things that are said!

Showing homes should be done from time to time with more than just the home video footage itself. Do you see what a difference it makes to have the home tour ‘teed up’ with other kinds of video footage? You have this great feeling about this retailer and Adventure Homes because of the smiling, laughing faces and all the cool aerial footage mixed in for just a few moments before you have the video itself.

These videos all tell a different aspect of modern manufactured housing.  Each one tells part of our story.  We can’t just tell it once and forget it.  We have to tell it and retell it so many different ways, until the viewer has an ‘aha’ moment and ‘gets it.’

As an FYI, we are up north this week, where we will be filming more videos at multiple locations for both independent and large firms. We often drive these, because here is the amount of equipment for two guys to take when we are doing a shoot.  Imagine trying to ship all that gear and tech stuff by plane!


When you are thinking about a video project, keep us in mind. You need a third party doing your interviews for you, otherwise, it is just a commercial. Plus, what other video guys understand MH better than we do? Who else can interview you or your customers as well?

Enough said for today. See you in Tunica later this month? We’ll be at booth #73. ##
latonykovach-louisiville2015-mhpronews-business-building-seminars- (1)By L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach.

Telling the Manufactured Housing Story – Telling YOUR and Your Home Owner’s stories is a post from: The Cutting Edge of Manufactured Home Marketing & Sales

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